
Read what others are saying about Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional !

Reviews, interviews and other press regarding the book:

Free Software Magazine

Not even the most timid newbie will flounder through Peck's concisely detailed instructions.


By the end of the book, you are performing very sophisticated drawing and compositing, well beyond what you might have known about image editing when you began.

GIMPShop blog:

I'd call it more of a definitive guide than just an introduction. This book is great for the completely new user, but even the seasoned veteran can learn quite a bit from "Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional".


Reading the book, I was able to get valuable insights into different aspects of image editing such as antialiazing, hinting text and such, which plays an important part in creating good graphics.

The Amazon page has several reader reviews:

I'm very new to photography and have no experience at all with other image programs (Photoshop etc.). I found this book very easy to follow and extremely helpful.

ShopIreland reader review:

Just dipping in to a few chapters, it has answered every single question I ever asked (or didn't even know I needed to ask).

A brief podcast interview with the author.